Monday, October 28, 2013

Tissue Expansion Five

We've entered the "fill rhythm" now.  "C" just gives the doctor a high five when he comes in with the syringes and graciously puts his head on the table so doc can fill the balloons.  *syke*

My wife reports that she has to hold him tighter every visit.  The expanders are doing their job and "C" recovers quickly.  Up to 75 cc's in front and 190 in back.  

After expansion 5

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Family and Friends

As parents you get into a rhythm and the new crazy can become the norm.  Of course you travel to Peoria every couple of weeks.  "C" would normally be this whiny right?  And all the other un-sensed stresses of something very different.  

I think my wife and I would be quite a bit more insane if not for our family in Peoria to watch the other kids when they are along for fills and to have lunch ready after appointments.  It's great to have that time together after needles and extra scalp pressure.  "C" still prefers to not be in the van.  

Our Quest Church family has been big support with prayers and dinner on fill days when things are just crazy enough where, "we might just have peanuts and yogurt for supper tonight".

Thank you! We love you all.  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tissue Expansion Four

Fill number 4 went well.  My wife is taking him for the appointment solo now.  It is starting to get noticeably large.